Frequently Asked Questions
Does Shukrana have any paid employees right now?
No, and we don't plan to in the future - the people who "work" at Shukrana are all volunteering.
What percentage of the funds donated reach the intended recipients?
95 - 98%+, based on 2014-2016 expenditures. To learn more about where your donation goes, click here.
Do donors have the ability to correspond with their sponsorship recipients?
Yes. We will post more information about corresponding with donation recipients soon. In the meantime, please reach out to our support and contact us and we will see what we can do to get you in touch with your recipients.
Are there any tax benefits of donating?
Yes, there are! Our charity is registered with Canada Revenue Agency and we are able to issue receipts for tax purposes. That means you can claim a tax refund at about 25% on first $200 and about 40% on the rest of the donations. The donations limit is up to 75% of your income for that year. It's a great benefit when you're donating to a registered charity!
Can I become a monthly supporter? If so, where? And how?
If you're interested in becoming or learning more about monthly support, please click here.
Do you donate a portion of your funds to other charities that support your vision?
Yes. Approximately 65 to 75% will be distributed to charities duly registered in Canada, who are engaged in similar activities (i.e. advancement of education and some other activities, such as providing medical and other supplies to places which are struck by calamity (earthquake, floods, etc.)
How many (estimate) funds do you plan to initially contribute as promoters (as this is a family charity)?
The promoters have set no limits; they will be happy to contribute as much as needed as long as eligibility requirements are met.
Can you tell me more about the formalities / documents / procedures used for distributing donations to people in need?
The Shukrana Foundation works in two main ways to give money to people in need:
a) by seeking out schools that have students who are eligible for donations (see Eligibility page);
b) by working with other charities who help us achieve our vision (one we commonly work with is CWEF) and submitting money to them so they will send it to people in need.
If you have a particular question regarding the formalities/documents/procedures, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible, and then we can post the question and answer on this page.
No, and we don't plan to in the future - the people who "work" at Shukrana are all volunteering.
What percentage of the funds donated reach the intended recipients?
95 - 98%+, based on 2014-2016 expenditures. To learn more about where your donation goes, click here.
Do donors have the ability to correspond with their sponsorship recipients?
Yes. We will post more information about corresponding with donation recipients soon. In the meantime, please reach out to our support and contact us and we will see what we can do to get you in touch with your recipients.
Are there any tax benefits of donating?
Yes, there are! Our charity is registered with Canada Revenue Agency and we are able to issue receipts for tax purposes. That means you can claim a tax refund at about 25% on first $200 and about 40% on the rest of the donations. The donations limit is up to 75% of your income for that year. It's a great benefit when you're donating to a registered charity!
Can I become a monthly supporter? If so, where? And how?
If you're interested in becoming or learning more about monthly support, please click here.
Do you donate a portion of your funds to other charities that support your vision?
Yes. Approximately 65 to 75% will be distributed to charities duly registered in Canada, who are engaged in similar activities (i.e. advancement of education and some other activities, such as providing medical and other supplies to places which are struck by calamity (earthquake, floods, etc.)
How many (estimate) funds do you plan to initially contribute as promoters (as this is a family charity)?
The promoters have set no limits; they will be happy to contribute as much as needed as long as eligibility requirements are met.
Can you tell me more about the formalities / documents / procedures used for distributing donations to people in need?
The Shukrana Foundation works in two main ways to give money to people in need:
a) by seeking out schools that have students who are eligible for donations (see Eligibility page);
b) by working with other charities who help us achieve our vision (one we commonly work with is CWEF) and submitting money to them so they will send it to people in need.
If you have a particular question regarding the formalities/documents/procedures, please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible, and then we can post the question and answer on this page.
Haven't answered your question? Please take a moment to contact us.