10 Things You Can Do to Help
Sometimes, there are limitations on what kids can do to help out. But here at Shukrana, anyone who is willing to help out is welcome, regardless of their age. If you are a young person and you would like to volunteer for Shukrana, we are happy to talk to you and we welcome whatever you can offer to help. If you're interested in helping, please check the list of Five Ways You Can Help below, or live-chat with us if you'd like to help in another way!
Become an official part of Shukrana by filling out a quick online form and you'll have a picture and story about you on the website!
Read the Brightest Blog, the blog written just for kids!
Take a survey and give us your ideas to help make the Shukrana Website and Charity better!
Sign up for our amazing monthly email, which comes to you every month with fun facts, cool news and a SPECIAL surprise!
Take a look at our Fundraising for Kids, a special place where you can learn more about fundraising for Shukrana.
Vote on ideas to help make Shukrana better! The ideas with the most votes have a higher chance of being used.
Send us a story/picture about your experience with Shukrana - fundraising, donating, helping out or whatever!
Tell us about schools or kids who need money to go to school in India, Canada or Peru.
If you have money you'd like to donate to Shukrana, click the button above to donate it!
Enter a cool contest like our Video Game Contest and have your entry featured on the website!