Website Improvement Survey 2014
For six months, we have been building, changing, updating and designing our website. We've added a bunch of articles and information, and by the end of 2014, we expect our charity and website to be fully set up - absolutely ready to accept donations, plan fundraising events, etc. The website is the primary place where people will learn about our charity (and choose to donate, volunteer, fundraise, etc.) so we really want (and need) it to be perfect!
Please read more below to find out more about the survey. |
About the Survey
The survey had eight questions, all of which gave us greatly valuable feedback about our website, charity and newsletter. We're using that feedback (the literal suggestions and the data) to change and better our website. It's a relatively short survey, but it still provides us with a lot of data.
We've been building our website for more than six months, and we're coming to the point where we're going to start focusing on fundraising, volunteering and putting our donations (from our team) to good use. We want to wrap up the website designing process with a survey to see what people think about our charity.
We began creating a survey (a very rough draft) on January 17th, 2014. We were working on it as a side project, it wasn't really important because our website was nowhere near as big as it is today. We worked on it until April 25th, which is when we began sending it out for people to take. We began working on the Website Improvement Survey on January 17th, 2014. We ended our survey taking on July 25th, 2014.
The survey had eight questions, all of which gave us greatly valuable feedback about our website, charity and newsletter. We're using that feedback (the literal suggestions and the data) to change and better our website. It's a relatively short survey, but it still provides us with a lot of data.
We've been building our website for more than six months, and we're coming to the point where we're going to start focusing on fundraising, volunteering and putting our donations (from our team) to good use. We want to wrap up the website designing process with a survey to see what people think about our charity.
We began creating a survey (a very rough draft) on January 17th, 2014. We were working on it as a side project, it wasn't really important because our website was nowhere near as big as it is today. We worked on it until April 25th, which is when we began sending it out for people to take. We began working on the Website Improvement Survey on January 17th, 2014. We ended our survey taking on July 25th, 2014.
Survey Results
Of course we've posted the results from the survey on the website! (Not any personal information, of course.) We began posting feedback and suggestions back in July, but now we want you to see the data we gathered and how we're using it. Our survey was great because we collected individual comments, suggestions and we also have graphs (for multiple choice questions).
Of course we've posted the results from the survey on the website! (Not any personal information, of course.) We began posting feedback and suggestions back in July, but now we want you to see the data we gathered and how we're using it. Our survey was great because we collected individual comments, suggestions and we also have graphs (for multiple choice questions).
Did you know that 56.25% of people who took the survey were already subscribed to our newsletter, and 18.75% of them didn't realize? (They chose the "Yes Please" answer)
This was one of our favourite questions! Thanks to everyone who answered - we're definitely using this feedback! We learned that most people like our home page and contact section, whereas we can improve our news & blog section, forums and help out section.
Very interesting! Most people like fundraising and volunteering, and least like spreading the word about Shukrana on social media. We will work hard to make fundraising and volunteering info, tips and tools accessible on our website.
We really enjoyed analyzing these answers. We were surprised to learn how many people prefer to use email from their own inbox compared to live chat and contact form! And quite obviously, not many people like using phone or forums to reach us.
Survey Gallery