For some charities, donating money is the most important thing you can do. But here at Shukrana, giving feedback, signing up for our newsletter or joining the charity are the things that REALLY matter to us. So if you don't want to donate, fear not - we have many things you can do to help out!
Help out the Shukrana Foundation by taking a survey or two - your answers allow us to make good changes to the charity that help everyone - especially kids!
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Do you want to donate money or raise money for the Shukrana Charity but you don't know how? Check out how by clicking on the button - we have articles, tools and people you can talk to that would love to help.
Become an official part of the Shukrana Foundation by taking on a volunteer job! Click on the button above to get started and see what volunteer jobs there are for you.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter, which is a fun email that comes every month with news, ways to help out, and more! Click on the button to find out more.
Enter a cool contest, like our Video Game Contest, and you can win the chance for your video game to be on our website!